Monday, February 13, 2012

New Bang! Expansion

Our review on the base game Bang! will be coming soon, but in the meantime we wanted to let you know about a new expansion for this game.  It's called Gold Rush, and it adds two new major elements.  The first is a series of gold nuggets, which you can collect throughout the game in various ways.  These can be used to buy equipment, which are powerful cards that have different actions.

The other major change is the idea of the shadow gunslinger.  What this does is attempts to rectify the issue of people being eliminated from the game and no longer able to play.  Even when eliminated players will still get a turn, so they'll never really be out of the game completely.  Also included with this expansion is 8 new character cards.

It sounds like this expansion will change the game a lot.  We've already acquired our copy but have yet to try it out, so we'll see how it goes!


  1. I will the idea of letting the eliminated players still play....

  2. It's been one of the most common complaints about the game. You can get eliminated early on and the game could still go on for another hour, which makes it not very fun if you're not playing. So I'm very curious to see how this works!
